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Kaga Electronics statistics


March 31, 2024 now

This is the total number of employees for the entire Kaga Electronics Group. The number of employees working at our overseas factories is increasing. Non-Japanese employees currently account for a larger percentage of the total workforce.
The Kaga Electronics Group has become truly global.


Kaga Electronics' consolidated sales for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024 was 542.6 billion yen.
It is the goal of the Kaga Electronics Group to continue to improve its earnings performance moving forward.

We have 2,000 suppliers. Our advantage is that we are an independent electronics trading firm which frees us from the constraints of affiliations and allows us to handle the products of our choice.

We have a total of 4,000 client companies. A recent technological innovation in electronics that has been featured in newspapers and covered by other media is Internet of Things (*IoT). We believe this will increase the number of business transactions with customers that previously had no link with the electronics industry.

Isao Tsukamoto, the founder of Kaga Electronics, started the company with a start-up loan from his parents of 200,000 yen.
200,000 yen in 1968 is the equivalent of 3 million yen today.

We have assembled the strongest corporate groupin the industry, comprising 67 versatilecompanies centered on Kaga Electronics.
The Kaga Electronics Group network is expanding across a wide range of fields through mutual cooperation between the business divisions within our head office and our domestic and overseas Group companies.
Leveraging the individuality and specialized expertise of each of our Group companies, we provide our customers with precisely what they need in a form that is beyond their hopes.
On the global stage -
Sourcing and manufacturing electronics throughout the world.
We are a general trading company for electronics.
Originating in Japan, the Kaga Electronics Group now has sales and manufacturing bases throughout the world. We have forged a corporate group consisting of more than 60 companies in Japan and overseas, growing today into one of the leading groups in Japan's electronic industry. With a truly global reach, we are a trusted partner that will respond to our customers' needs - anytime, anywhere, and with parts sourced from across the globe.