| Key themes | Issues to address/examine | Medium-term targets | Long-term targets | Main activities and progress in FY2022 / FY2023 |
E | Achievement of shift to 100% renewable energy | - Adoption of renewable energy at domestic sales offices
| 2024: 40% (1%) | 2030: 100% | - FY2022: (1) Introduced 1.2% of total electricity from renewable sources (2) Study on measures to ‘achieve 40% in FY2024’
- FY2023: (1) Introduced 5.1% of total electricity from renewable sources (2) Decided to purchase non-fossil certificates to achieve target of ‘40% renewable energy in 2024’, and to quantify greenhouse gas emissions and set a reduction target in FY2024
- Adoption of renewable energy at domestic manufacturing sites
| By 2024: Information gathering/analysis and determination of policy In-house power generation/external procurement Solar panel/biomass power generation/renewable energy businesses | 2030: 50%2050: 100% | - FY2022:Calculated power generation to install solar panels at sites in Aomori, Fukushima, and Tottori. Started the detailed design.
- FY2023:Installed solar power generation system in Towada factory (December 2023) and Fukushima factory (February 2024)
- Adoption of renewable energy at overseas manufacturing sites
| 2030: 30%2050: 100% | - FY2022: Started to introduce renewable energy-derived electricity using solar panels at sites in China (Hubei) and Vietnam. Expected to cover 30%-50% of annual electricity usage at each site.
- FY2023: Installed solar panels in Mexico new factory (April 2024)
Shift to electricity for company-owned vehicles | - Switch to electric vehicles for domestic sales vehicles (EV, HV, PHV, FCV)
| 2024: 85% (78.5%) | 2030: 100% | - FY2022: The ratio of electric vehicles increased by 1.2pt year on year to 82.0% (as of March 31, 2023).
- FY2023: The ratio of electric vehicles increased by 3.0pt year on year (as of March 31, 2024)
S | Diversity and human resource management | - Ensuring diversity in core human resources (Women, foreign nationals, mid-career hires)
| Percentage of female new graduates in general positions 2023: 30% (5.8%) Percentage of women in management positions 2024: 15% (13.3%) | Percentage of female new graduates in general positions 2028: 40% Percentage of women in management positions 2029: 17% | - ■Percentage of female new graduates in general positions based on hiring activities as per the Action Plan
- FY2022: 4 females out of 22 new graduates in general positions, up 12.3pt year on year to 18.1%
- FY2023: 5 females out of 23 new graduates in general positions, up 3.6pt year on year to 21.7%. Fell below the target of 30%, despite a 3.6-pt year-on-year increase to 21.7%
- ■Discussions held within the group to improve percentage of women in management positions and set targets for the number of women in management positions at each group company.
- FY2022: 16.5%, up 3.2pt year on year
- FY2023: 17.4%, up 0.9pt year on year
- Initiatives to employ elderly workers and persons with disabilities
| - FY2022: Employment of persons with disabilities is 100% of the legally mandated rate (as of March 31, 2023)
- FY2023: Employment of persons with disabilities is 100% of the legally mandated rate (as of March 31, 2024)
Work–life management and enhancement of productivity | - Enhancement of programs such as childcare/family-care and telework
| 2022: Implementation of review 2023: Certification | 2025: Certification by outside party 2024 onward: Continuation of certification | - FY2022: Revised regulations and rules to make telework a permanent system
- FY2023: The new rules took effect in April 2023.
- Acquisition of certification as a Health and Productivity Management Organization
| - FY2022: Certified in March 2023
- FY2023: Certified for two consecutive years in March 2024
G | Restructuring the governance structure in response to the revision of the Corporate Governance Code and the reorganization of Tokyo Stock Exchange | - Independent Outside Directors: at least 1/3
- Establishment of Nomination and Compensation Committee
| June 2021: Performed | Setting of targets in line with next Corporate Governance Code revision | - FY2022: Effective June 2023, 6 directors (including three outside directors), with a majority of directors being outside directors. Established the Nomination and Compensation Committee.
- FY2023: Adopted a 6-director structure (including 3 outside directors) at the June 2023 general shareholders' meeting
- Diversification of the Board of Directors
| By June 2022: Determination of policy | - FY2022: Decided to nominate a female candidate as a new outside auditor. Continued to work to appoint a female director.
- FY2023: Appointed a female outside director at the June 2023 meeting. Deferred a proposal to appoint a female director at the June 2024 meeting
- Full compliance with Corporate Governance Code for Prime Market
| November 2021: Performed | - FY2022: TCFD-compliant information to be disclosed from June 2022.
- FY2023: CG Code not revised
Further strengthening the supervisory and oversight functions of top management over business execution | - Adoption of delegation-based executive officer structure
| April 2022: Enactment | - FY2022: Implemented from April 2022.
- FY2023: Decided to expand the membership of the Group management committee to a delegation-based executive officer structure effective in April 2024
- Transition to structure of company with committees
| By March 2023: Determination of policy | - FY2022: Continue the company-with-auditors system, but shorten the term of directors from the current 2 years to 1 year (in June 2023).
- FY2023: Continued the company-with-auditors system. Discussed to move to a company-with-audit and supervisory committee structure, given the need for speedy management and appointment of female directors