Extensive business development supported by our four core segments
In 1968, Kaga Electronics was established as an independent trading company which specializes in electronics. The company has continued to expand its operations to keep in line with the development of the electronics industry. The Kaga Electronics Group, as of March 31, 2024, consists of 66 group companies (22 domestic and 44 overseas entities), has 8,021 employees globally. Our capital stock, as of March 31, 2024 stood at 12.1 billion yen. And, in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024 we posted consolidated sales of 542.6 billion yen. Today, Kaga Electronics continues to grow globally as a general trading company specializing in electronics.
Business profile
- 1 General electronics parts sales
- 2 EMS (Electronics Design Manufacturing Services)
- 3 Information equipment (computers and peripherals) sales
- 4 New businesses, including sporting goods, amusement (game) machines, video, and anime/product character development
Taking advantage of being an independent to execute risk management and dynamic business development
Kaga Electronics is an independent electronics trading company with no affiliations to major semiconductor and electronic parts manufacturers. The main advantage of being an independent is that we are free to development and expand our businesses as we see fit, unfettered by the restrictions of affiliations. Consequently, we choose the products we handle and implement global strategies on our own accord.
Our goal is to become the leading electronics trading company in Japan by developing a corporate structure strong enough to weather any challenge. To do so, we plan to leverage the comprehensive capabilities and expertise of our group companies, which will enable us to quickly identify and respond to trends in the electronics industry, which is constantly undergoing drastic change, and to effectively spread out risk to alleviate exposure.
Strengths of the Kaga Electronics Group
- ・Each of the companies in the Kaga Electronics Group operate under the auspices of one of the four main business segments—Electronic Products and Semiconductors, EMS, Information Equipment, and New Businesses. Our group companies work together to fulfill the various electronics-related needs of our customers.
- ・The Kaga Electronics Group is not readily impacted by changes in market conditions in a single specific industry thanks to the wide range of products it deals in and its broad range of customers. The group maintains 2,000 suppliers at home and abroad, 4,000 sales partners, and has 7,000 sales accounts.
- ・The group also possesses manufacturing functions. This includes the EMS business, which leverages sophisticated product procurement capabilities, and also the sales of proprietary brand semiconductors and peripheral equipment.
- ・The 44 overseas group companies facilitate the procurement of electronic parts globally and the development of the EMS business.
- ・We attend to our clients' technical needs, which span from the design of semiconductors, circuits, mechanisms, and industrial machines, to the demand for hardware and software, thanks to our technology development team of roughly 1,600 employees, a number that far exceeds the norm for an electronics trading company.
- ・The group is diversifying its upstream and downstream activities by utilizing our strengths as an independent. This includes the planning and development of dedicated semiconductors, various software, and information and communication systems, as well as expansion into the IT-related business.
- ・Kaga Electronics is actively embarking on new businesses related to the electronics industry by gathering up-to-date information by using its global network of group companies.
Value Creation Process
Basic management policy
Profit-Oriented Management
Amid the intensely competitive environment surrounding the Group, we have formulated a medium-term management plan with fiscal 2022 as the first year and fiscal 2024 as the final year, setting the aim of achieving sustainable growth as a world-class company. The medium- to long-term vision as defined in the plan is to establish and set firmly in place a “profit-focused management” through which the Group aims to build Japan’s No. 1 corporate group in the industry and to be a world-class company. To realize this vision, various measures are implemented in line with the three priorities of “strengthening profitability,” “stabilizing the management base,” and “creating new businesses.”
Performance targets for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025, the final year of the plan, are [net sales of 750 billion yen, operating income of 30 billion yen or higher, and ROE of 10% or higher].
Industry environment
Industry sales ranking