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IR information

Appraisals and commendations of external institutes

〈Selection for Inclusion in Stock Indexes〉
●Selection for inclusion in the JPX-Nikkei Index 400
The JPX-NIKKEI Index 400 is an index composed of companies with high appeal for investors, which meet requirements of global investment standards, such as efficient use of capital and investor-focused management perspectives. The index seeks to promote the appeal of Japanese corporations domestically and abroad, while encouraging continued improvement of corporate value, thereby aiming to revitalize the Japanese stock market.
The index is composed of 400 issues selected from among the common stocks whose main market is the Tokyo Stock Exchange (Prime Market, Standard Market, Growth Market).
The Company was selected for inclusion in the index in fiscal 2023.
●Reselection for inclusion in the JPX-Nikkei Mid and Small Cap Index
This index applies the concept of the JPX-Nikkei Index 400, an index comprised of highly attractive listed companies jointly calculated by JPX Market Innovation & Research, Inc. and Nikkei Inc., to mid and small-cap equities. Companies are selected for the index that focus on capital efficiency and investor-oriented management. In addition to spreading and promoting this awareness among more listed companies, the index aims to meet the needs of investors.
The Company was reselected for inclusion in the index in fiscal 2022 after its inclusion in the index in fiscal 2021.
<Evaluation Regarding Sustainability>
●Certified “Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization”
This Program recognizes large enterprises, SMEs, and other corporations that practice particularly excellent health and productivity management aligned with initiatives for addressing health issues in the community as well as health promotion initiatives promoted by the Nippon Kenko Kaigi.
We continue to implement various health promotion initiatives to encourage all employees to pursue health maintenance and improvement of their own volition and this is the second consecutive year of recognition following the 2023 recognition.

〈Awards Related to the Investor Relations Website〉
●Grand Prize in the Daiwa Investor Relations Co. Ltd. “2023 Internet IR Awards”
Under this survey program, Daiwa Investor Relations uses its unique criteria to assess and score the investor relation (IR) websites operated by all listed companies, awarding companies that have established outstanding IR websites, and effectively utilizing them for information disclosure and communication activities.
The scoring items were revised when establishing the assessment criteria for 2023 based on consideration of factors such as discussion within the Working Group on Corporate Disclosure of the Financial System Council and recent trends in IR websites. As a result, of the 4,048 listed companies surveyed, 168 were selected for an Excellence Award. Of these, the top 9 companies received a Grand Prize.
●Bronze Medal as an Outstanding Company in the BroadBand Security, Inc. “Gómez IR Site Ranking 2023”
This survey by BroadBand Security is aimed at assessing aspects such as ease of use and adequacy of information on the IR websites of listed companies in Japan.
In fiscal 2023, as a result of a preliminary survey of 3,832 companies, 384 were nominated for final selection, with 39 companies awarded Gold Medals for overall scores of 8.00 and above, 141 companies awarded Silver Medals for scores of 7.00 and above, and 139 companies receiving Bronze Medals for scores of 6.00 and above.