(1) The Company is cognizant that enhancing corporate governance is a key management issue and takes measures to ensure total compliance with corporate ethics and laws and regulations and to reinforce internal control systems while making ensuring the soundness, efficiency and transparency of business operations and raising corporate value its fundamental policies and objectives.
(2) In view of the importance of corporate governance, we have established the Sustainability Committee, and Nomination and Compensation Committee to strengthen our corporate governance system.
(3) The Company strives to increase corporate value while maintaining good relationships with stakeholders (interested parties).
(4) The Board of Directors holds monthly regular meetings and holds extraordinary meetings on a flexible basis as needed. The Board makes decisions on matters specified by laws and regulations and other important matters relating to management and oversees the status of the performance duties by each director. The Company has 5 directors (of which 2 are outside directors) and has established a structure that enables adequate deliberation and appropriate and timely decision-making. The Company instituted an employment-based executive officer system on April 1, 2005, and instituted a delegation-based executive officer system on April 1, 2022, to further improve corporate governance. In this way, the Company segregated management decision-making and supervisory functions from business execution functions and clarified each role, and has established structures that enable timely response to changes in the external environment while enhancing the functions of the Board of Directors and business execution functions.
(5) Through the activities of the Information Disclosure Committee, we are working to ensure that corporate information about the Company is disclosed in an easy-to-understand, fair, timely, and accurate manner, and we are also working to enhance our IR and public relations staff as an organization to implement this further.
(6) In light of the increasing emphasis placed on internal controls, the Audit office was placed under the direct authority of the Representative Director, President & COO and works in collaboration with Administration Headquarters, etc. to conduct audit operations regarding the appropriateness of business activities including Group companies, the status of use of company resources, and the status of compliance with laws, regulations, and internal rules. In addition, the Company strives to comprehensively operate internal control systems in response to enforcement of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act.
(7) The Supervisory Board comprises 4 members including 3 outside members. Supervisory Board members attend all meetings of the Board of Directors and carry out their duties by actively attending other important internal meetings and through other means. There are no interests between the Company and the outside Supervisory Board members including personal relationships or capital relationships. Note that although, with respect to Yoichi Sato, an agreement is entered into between the Company and the law firm of which the said individual is a member, for the provision of legal services, etc., Yoichi Sato is not a partner of that law firm and is not involved in the management of that firm.
In addition, Kyoko Oyanagi is the representative of the Social Insurance and Labor Advisors Corporation with which the Company has an advisory contract, but the transaction amount is insignificant.