Business fieldBUSINESS


EMS business

Our flexible production systems can handle high-mix, low-volume lots.
From semi-finished to finished products, we work side by side with our customers and manufacture wherever the customer desires.
The Kaga Electronics global production system has factories in China, the ASEAN region, Europe, and the Americas, enabling us to manufacture at locations suited to our customers’ needs. Our total support system extends to product design and development and is flexible enough to deal with high-mix, low-volume production and both semi-finished and finished products. We are also able to recommend optimal alternatives our customers can use from suppliers around the world, including North America, Europe, and Asia.

Kaga Electronics'strengths

  • Kitting services
    Our point of pride as your behind-the-scenes partner: “If it doesn’t exist, we’ll help you make it.” We offer outstanding procurement and support capacity.
    As an independent comprehensive trading company, we have the flexibility and massive experience to combine and process parts into the optimal product for each customer’s needs. Our North American, European, and Asian suppliers and our worldwide information network help us propose solutions for making what does not currently exist.
  • Factories in Japan and abroad
    We provide the parts you need, where you need them, precisely when you need them.
    Headquartered in Japan, we have 21 production bases in China, Asia, Europe, and the Americas that allow us to provide high-mix, low-volume production and accommodate a variety of applications. We deliver EMS wherever needed. With operations run by overseas affiliates and our trusted, locally based support system, we can provide the products you need without long waits.
  • Total service system
    From design and development to finished products: offering added value unique to the customer.
    Kaga Electronics is your one-stop source for product design and development, system building, circuit board mounting, and production of semi-finished and finished products. We support the design needs for our customers’ unique brand products. Our high-level quality control system ensures products with high added value.

EMS business Overview

Factories in japan and abroad

EMS factory(Asia)
EMS factory(Europe)
EMS factory(North America)
Factories in japan and abroad