Planning, development, distribution, and sale of game software for home use Research and development into and distribution and sale of multimedia-related images/video, audio, software, and data
Company Name | ACCESS GAMES INC. |
Address | 2F&3F KAGA Building,2-2-6 Minami-Senba,Chuo-ku,Osaka 542-0081 Japan |
TEL | 06-6105-0459 |
FAX | 06-6263-4268 |
Date of Establishment | May 30, 1996 |
Capital | 30 million yen |
President | Shigeru Yoshida |
Number of Employees | 72 (as of March 31, 2024) |
Stockholders' Lineup | Digital Media Lab.,Inc. 100% |
WEB Site | |